How Can Color Printing Benefit Your Business?

Posted by Stone's Office Equipment

Recent studies have shown multiple benefits to using color for business printing. For example, invoices printed in color get paid 30% faster. In other applications, information highlighted in color can be located 70% faster.

Benefits of color printing could include:

  • faster turnaround on invoices
  • improved document sorting
  • improved branding

Many businesses have been reluctant to invest in color printing because there is a perception that color printing is significantly more expensive than black and white printing. While color printing was considerably more expensive in the past, that is not necessarily the case today.

To complicate the consideration of cost, there are often hidden costs associated with office equipment. If you’re using an outdated machine that needs constant maintenance and repair, it could be costing significantly more than a modern color machine. Consider requesting a free workflow analysis to identify if inefficiencies exist in your office network.