Is Managed Print Service Right For Your Company?
Companies of all sizes are under the same pressures when it comes to how much time employees have to complete projects and tasks assigned to them. There are only so many hours in a day and in some cases, paying overtime isn’t an option that makes financial sense.
IT departments, regardless of their size, are no different. They don’t want to manage copier, printers or other document output devices. Printers and copiers may be important to the everyday operations, but IT departments have far more important responsibilities and critical duties to focus on. At the end of the day, companies just want the print devices to work!
Most businesses do not know how many printers they have, or how many different models of printers they have. They have no idea how many prints are being made, or who is making them and why. Toner purchasing is usually handled by another department without regard to how much is being spent to maintain the print devices.

How does MPS help with this office problem?
- By identifying and labeling mismanaged equipment that is costing businesses money.
- Looking at processes like; toner replenishment and ordering, service tickets and repair calls.
- Studying workflow techniques and finding a better solution.
We often hear businesses say, “We’ve always done it that way.” That’s fine if your business has never changed; however, chances are your business has changed. Simply look at the improvements over the past few years in the mobile arena, with smart phones and tablets. Technology changes the way everyone does business.
Managed Print Services helps to identify these possible deficiencies and rights the ship. We can help centralize printers to the volumes demanding them, replace worn parts and take over toner purchasing. All of this relieves the IT personnel from chasing menial issues that take them away from what they were hired to do for your business.
Yes, Managed Print Services is right for your company and Stone’s Office Equipment will show you how we can help and then we will show you why we are the right choice.