Save Money By Going Green With Printing
When you think of “going green” you probably think of efforts that decrease a company’s negative impact on the planet…and you’re right! There are many organizations and resources out there that promote change and encourage better working environments to keep our planet healthy. But, that’s not the only reason to go green with your office printing. Another wonderful benefit is that going green can save you money!
Think about the way your office operates now. Depending on the size of your company, you might go through hundreds of sheets of paper everyday. In the process, you’re also using a lot of supplies, energy, and time.
In fact, according to GreenPrint, the actual cost of printing is up to 31 times the price of the paper you use, and the cost of printing for the average employee lands between $600 and $1,300 per year!
But, you can utilize green printing practices to improve efficiency and decrease the resources it takes to print and manage paper, all while saving your company money.
Go Green By Using Managed Print Services
The best way to become more efficient with printing–and save more money–is through managed print services. If you’ve heard of managed print services, or MPS, then you probably associate it with equipment or supplies management, which is accurate. Managed print services are used by the most efficient companies to optimize their printing process. Here’s how it works:
You receive an evaluation of your current printing system to identify opportunities for improvement. These opportunities may include printing supplies, equipment tuning and repair, equipment configuration, and more. You’ll get a customized recommendation of how you can best run your printing equipment for optimal efficiency. By improving the areas that are identified, your company will use less energy to operate and you’ll notice long term savings in operational costs.
The efforts used to achieve more cost-effective operations and those used to “go green” are often one in the same. Both goals work by decreasing the amount of energy it takes to accomplish tasks and to maintain your office. Here are some of the specific ways that MPS can make your company greener and save you money:
- Identifying how many printers you need. Many companies use more printers than they really need. By decreasing the number of printers and placing them in more convenient locations, your company can decrease the equipment needed and the resources it takes to run those extra units.
- Changing bad user habits. MPS will use data to figure out how the printers and other equipment are being used and then determine habits that could be curtailed to improve efficiency and savings.
- Tweaking equipment settings. Many people aren’t sure what settings are truly best for printers and the majority just settle with whatever the factory settings were. Using MPS, you can fine-tune the settings of your equipment to ensure you’re always getting the most from your equipment, with the least energy demand.
Start Saving Green By Going Green With Your Printing
Going green with your printing will help your business become more socially responsible while also saving money. Managed print services is the most effective and convenient way to get the most from your printing system. For more information on managed print systems, contact Stone’s Office Equipment at 804-288-9000.