Save Your Office Resources with Managed Print Services

The silent killer in your office.
You can ask almost any CEO or CFO about their companies balance sheet or P&L statement, but ask them about their assets and what it cost to keep them performing, and you usually get a blank stare.
Things like:
- Do you have a process for managing supplies?
- Do you have any unprotected printers on your office network?
- How many printers does your office have?
- Do you notice waster paper in the trash?
- Are unclaimed prints left on the printer or lying around the office?
- How many prints does your office produce each day, week, or month?
- How much does your office spend on supplies to produce those prints?
These are questions we address when we perform a Print Analysis Report (PAR) in offices during our MPS discovery.
How bad could it be? It’s just a printer.
You’re correct. And if you were only producing a few prints a day, it wouldn’t show a significant impact on your expense reports at all. The issues arise when, over time, people look to replace their desktop printers without doing the proper research. The cost of a printer can vary from $250 to $2,000, and the cost to operate that same printer can range from a penny a page to fifteen cents per page. We help guide your IT department or managers to the best model for the job you’re performing.
It’s time to shop for supplies.
One of the most surprising facts we find is the number of offices, large and small, who dial for toner instead of having a plan for uniformity. Calling around to different office supply stores or going online to shop for printer toner is costing your office staff time and money. Not to mention the margin of error when it comes to getting the correct supply for the device. We help take that burden off your plate. Always ensuring you have what you need when you need it correctly.
Uniformity in the workplace happens 8% of the time.
When our team does a discovery walkthrough, 92% of office printers are mixed models or brands, creating challenges for the people supporting them. Different models mean more toners or imaging units stored on your shelves. Different models add pressure to your IT department to keep upgrades current. MPS can help right-size your fleet and make them more uniform.
Waste not, want not.
Often pages are printed to the copier or printer and never retrieved. A recent report shows 24% of all print jobs are never recovered from the printer. That’s a lot of abandoned paper. Imagine if your office produced just 25 print jobs a day, over a month, 126 printed packets never make it to the operator. They lay on the printer until someone puts them in a shred box, or worse. What if some of those jobs are confidential? Click here to read the report HP commissioned about office snooping. Documents in the wrong hands or seen by the wrong eyes could be catastrophic to your business. We help companies address the abandoned print job problem.
Security Please!
A Print Security Report from Quocirca Ltd found unsecured printers or MFP devices caused 65 % of breaches. Imagine that $400 printer being the launching point for a multi-thousand dollar IT overhaul, because it wasn’t maintained or appropriately monitored. We help offices prevent these types of costly oversights.
Is Managed Print Service right for your office?
You can’t know unless you start the process of discovery with a professional MPS provider. Stone’s helps businesses of all sizes save on their print costs, with an average savings of more than 35%. Fill out the form below or call us to see how much your office can save.
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- Call: (804) 288-9000
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